Monday, August 23, 2004

We are jackasses

Oh man doing wak ass shit is the funnest thing ever. Today we went up to Brian's dormizzie at UNM. (We bieng Paul and I). So Brian has this awesome huge foam cowboy hat not unlike the famous hat from the Jeopardy skit on SNL with Burt Reynolds as "Turd Fergusen". So we decided to take a walk down central and across the UNM campus. But the thing is, I put on the hat so it totally covered my face, and proceeded to slump down like i was sleep walking. Like the good friends they are, Brian and Paul guided me around, occasionally saying things like "don't listen to the voices in your head" and "c'mon little Richie, it'll be okay" and "he has a serious condition", and I occasionally said things like "I'm Superman!" and "Please stop the voices!" and randomly swinging my fists at absolutely nothing. Some people looked wierd, some tried not to look, and some laughed, but it was most funny for us. I think my senior year should be filled with doing jackasses but still hilarious shit ala that. Anyway I just had to write a post about that. I'm sure it would've been funnier if you were there...


Blogger Bee said...

I was totally there for that! Way hillarious. You guys are welcome at my crib any day

August 24, 2004 at 12:46 AM


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