Friday, August 27, 2004

I hate short skirts...................*nudge nudge wink*

Wow. Tonizzie we tapped the Sarto football game against the Moriarty Pintos or whatever they are. Base the score was closer to 2445 to 0 than 3 to 3. I kind of feel bad for Moriar Mc Moriarty Jr. You just know none of those Moriarty players are gonna get laid tonite. Conversation between Moriarty place kicker and girlfriend: "So you wanna tap or what." "Uggh get off me. You lost by like 53 points. You aren't getting shit tonite. Oh yea and you're the sad placekicker." "But baby you're on the sad drill team, you aren't even a cheerleader." "I don't care, I'm having an orgy with the S-pix football team. And then I'm tapping Richie Lampasi, because he's just very attractive." Base that's how the convo went.

So everyone was at the game, and it was mostly fun because, much like the luau, no one wasn't wearing skimpy clothes. Even Fonas had on a bikini man-thong. So it was a mostly rockin' time, except for when I got yelled at by like 3 fugly football dads. I was just walking down an isle, and this fugly dad of some player was like "Hey move it kid, I can't see my son sit on the bench." You know it was the type of dad who won't settle until his son goes to Princeton on a football scholorship, leading the life he never got to have... He'll go to all of his son's football games, but other than that, like when ol' Billy has an honors convention, or a piano recital, he's sittin' on the couch drinkin' Old Milwaukee. And just like the cliche goes, the son always says things like "Dad, I'm not you! I don't want your life!" after his dad puts up a Princeton football banner in his son's room.

Anyway after the gizzie we went to eat. It could be one of two places: 1) IHOP or 2) Frontier. Check number two please. So the whole nite we just bust out awesome freestyles, and like 25 thuggers congradulate us and invite Paul and I to join their thugger rapping crew. Actually the freestlyes are quite sad. Example of my freestyle: "I took Paul's mom, on a date; I think she's pregnant, her period's late!!!!!" or another "I got some cheese, who has a grate; Paul's mom gave me a beej before we procreate!!!" Yep folks I'm here all week.


Blogger I'm Always Right said...

"All I wanna do is sing in the choir! Why can't you just accept me for who I am???"

August 28, 2004 at 1:36 PM


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