Saturday, August 28, 2004

Suburban Shock Disease

I just got home from the first SSS show ever. (Technically there have been others, but they didn't matter because I wasn't there.) And although I'm not too into the whole punky mc punk punk jr. scene, it was enjoyable because some cool people went, I was dedicated a song, and Brian and I got to push our favorite band Greenwheel.
If you are looking to attend an event filled with basically normal and uninteresting people, punk shows are not what you're looking for. Some crazy people attend them, some are cool and crazy, but others are just stupid "i'm a rebel hence i have a mohawk" crazy. It's really a mixed bag. You see people that you know are psuedo-rebels with their spiky/mohawk/colored/fugly hair, less than jake/blink 182/good charlotte/SSS shirts and rank boots and chains in random places. What is the point of having those chains? I don't get it. This must go through people's minds before: "Hmm, my mommy made me clean my room. I'm not like other kids, i'm unique and interesting, i shouldn't have to clean my room. i think if i put on these chains people will see how individualistic i am. lol. i hate my mommy and daddy." Shut up, take your chains off, and go fuckin' clean your damn room. I hate when people think that they are so 'different' from everyone else. Well either you really are different, and your just wierd, or you aren't different, you just think you are. Probably the latter.
Anyway we hitty mc hit hit the Frontier after (i know big surprise). If there is one thing I know, it's that you will never go to Frontier and not see at least one hot ass chick. Anyway that's basically it, except once Paul and I complete our startup small t-shirt business, everyone must buy one or two or 29. Details later...


Blogger Bee said...

I *HEART* GREENWHEEL! Your t-shirt company should have Greenwheel shirts, and "Everything I need to know, I learned from Taboo 2" t-shirts!
Don't tell any of these guys that I told you this, because despite the continuing existence of the music (some of which is quite good), what all these mohawk kids don't know is that punk is dead. Dressing in plaid pants is about as cool as listening to Melissa Ethridge's music. The coolest kids at punk shows are the ones who wear short-sleeved button-down shirts.

August 29, 2004 at 12:57 AM

Blogger I'm Always Right said...

Man, how right you are.

"You laugh because I'm normal, I laugh because you are wearing a stupid t-shirt"

August 29, 2004 at 9:35 AM


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