Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Abq weekend...my version

Okay you've all read coloradolove's post about this weekend, but here's my story.

High school kicks ass. All I ever hear out of adults is high school is the time of your life. Great. I'm in it. But the thing is, my frosh year sucked, as did sophmore year, because I couldn't drive. Junior year I could, and it was dec., but senior year I want to just rear back and have the time of my life that everyone says I should. Is there anything wrong with that? I don't think so. To me, senior year isn't for "tolerating" shit. It's the fruits of the last three years. And so far, senior year has been awesome. I'm not worried about anything, not nervous, not aprehensive, not depressed, not angry, not anything but having a kick ass time. And that's great.

Now whatever is a part of this is obviously my choice. Up until this weekend, certain things haven't been. But that was my choice. When I decided to include this thing, I made my own concious decision. And you know what? When I did include this thing, it was fun. Is there a problem with that? No. Does anyone else have a problem with that? Maybe, but that's their choice, and I respect it. I'm sorry they don't agree with my decision(s), but so be it.

My mission is to have as much fun as I can. I'm generally a carefree guy, and I'm kicking it up a notch this year. Hopefully others want to have fun too, and we can chill together. If they don't for some reason, fine, I hope they make that choice for themselves and for whatever reason, that's okay.

All I ax is that no one judges me for decisions that I make unless it hurts/directly affects them. Actually you know what? Anyone who wants to judge me, go ahead. I could care less, because no matter what anyone says, I'm doing my own thing. You can even tell me, and I'll just listen. Maybe I'll take to heart what you say, maybe I won't, but I'm still going to do what I'm going to do.

Now I don't need anything but myself to have fun, as everyone knows. I could go on without anything forever and have a great time. Or I could incorporate other things for a change of pace, just like experimentation. And this is the time to do it. Not when I'm married, not when I have kids, not when I'm eating liver and onions at JB's. Now. And I'm doing it.

Now that that's out of the way, I feel totally awesome. I felt sick yesterday, but that was more walking around the fair in the burning weather and not eating anything for more than 24 hours. This weekend kicked ass. I loved it. Great time. All my friends were awesome, no exceptions, and I met some new people too (If you read this Manuel, I love you there's no hard feelings). I did some new things, stayed up late, and hung out. A totally rocking time all around. I hope everyone else had the fun that I did. Hopefully my parents had fun too, so they maybe let me have more 'responsibility' more often. I love high school.


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