Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Even the king of awesomeland needs a break sometimes...

Sorry about not posting a blizzie in approximately....hmmmmm *in head* 34, 2, 5, carry the one...three days, but anyone who would actually care can refer to several other blogs posting exactly the same thing in different words/phrases. Due to family/personal/tapping obligations, my computer time has been severely limited. Anyway it's good to be back.
So this weekend should be the best in recent memory, seeing as though I think I twill be home alone, and it's four, count 'em, four days long. That's like two summer breaks in one year! If you refer to Paul's sad blog you will see 1) how much fun we had at target until Mike "I'm the manager as you can see by my different color shirt" the manager ruined it like a sour peach, and 2) Paul is wak, seeing as though his new blog format looks like the stains in his underpants.
School has been sicky mc sick sick jr. though, because I flat out Aced the Gov. test in the form of not missing any questions, AP Calc has been decer than expected, and Physics is a joke. All would be well if it wasn't for damn facsist newspaper. Oh well, that's how the world turns.
Damn I was so pissed that I didn't get that awesome Prelude. Paul and I were planning to go thugging, seeing as though it has 17 inchers (no my fly isn't open), a sick spoiler, tinted windows, and it's a five speed, which chicks dig. Damnshit.
So my yearbook pics are coming up soon, and they're the one's where I have to pose and shit. So base I plan to pose nude. I might have a rocky time getting it to the yearbook, seeing as though I don't think there's enough room on the page to fit some of my 'appendages' but I'll make it work.
And finally, I would like to shamelessly promote our fine shirt company, tentatively titled Las Vegas People Inc. Buy all your shirts from us. Once we make them.


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