Friday, September 10, 2004

Musicology and me

So here's my promised post about music mentioned in my last post. It has sprung from a small conversation in the park one nite about music. More like a debate between Paul and I.

Paul was arguing that if you like a certain band, you must like the band(s) that influenced them. Examples: If you like the Strokes, you must like the Beetles. If you like Jet, you must like Rolling Stones, etc. Paul even describes himself as a 'musical facsist'. It means so much to him, he can't stand bad taste, etc. Now I love music as much as the next guy. I don't know about as much as Paul, but I sure love it. However, this love of music doesn't make me a musical facsist. I think it's fair to say that everyone has a right to enjoy whatever kind of music they please. Whether that be The Smiths or Creed, no one can decide what 'good taste' is. Sure maybe someone has more talent, or commitment, or whatever, but who can decide that? No one.

What kind of music I like is decided by nothing other than what sounds good. If Creed sounds good, fine. If Minor Threat sounds good, fine. But I'm not going to listen to music I don't or only kind of like just because they are "classic" or they were influential. I won't listen to music that I only partly or not at all like for any reason. I won't listen to a band, however influential, talented, cool, neat, classic or anything else they are if I don't like the music. And no one should do anything else. There's my take homies.


Blogger I'm Always Right said...

Richie, I fully respect your opinion, see my blog for my response. But please don't ever spell the Beatles "the Beetles" ever again, for the sake of my heart rate. Also, the Smiths may not have big asses or whatever, but in twenty years people will still herald them as a classic rock band and listen to their records with amazement while Shakira will be nothing more than a mere barely visible speck on the horizon.

September 12, 2004 at 6:54 PM

Blogger Bee said...

You weren't there when I got the last st mikes yearbook, with the class song by the beatles in size 16 font spelled BEETLES. I was apart of that yearbook -though not that page- and I was shittin bricks.

September 12, 2004 at 11:00 PM


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