Monday, September 13, 2004

OMG!!!! ROLFMAO lol!!!!!1111

Eh, so I couldn't think of a good title... Anyway WTF? Anyway due to parental facsist obligations, I was not able to party and go out like I had wanted to this weekend. However, no matter what, I'm mos def tapping something next weekend. It could be one of two things: 1) B. Spears 2) shots, and I don't mean the lead variety.
On to bigger and better things though, (nope, my fly isn't down). In response to SpaceSpartan/DixieDust/ColoradoLove's recent post about who Mr. Brian Kemm could have intercourse with, I would like to create my own list. Here goes:
Richie's list:
* I can do whatever I want.
* I'm the best person ever. Oh wait, I'm number two behind Pat Matheny.
* Disney needs to stop making movies. More on this later.
* The site is awesome, even though I have most of the CD's on the list.
* This list is the best ever.
* If you don't agree with anything on this list here's the procedure to follow: first, go screw yourself. second, clean up.
Now, as I promised, is more on Disney. Everyone remembers the classic Disney movies that they grew up with and loved. Examples: Cinderella (I didn't like this movie..............), Snow White, The Lion King, I'll even go so far as to say Pochahontas. But nowadays Disney is making animated vidjoes just for the sake of it. Kids nowadays aren't growing up with Disney classics like those anymore. Now they get crap like "Home on the Range". Wow. Mr. Disney is rolling in his grave as we speak. Just quite Dis Dis. If you can't make classics, don't make anything. Sure you might make a meek profit, but is it worth sacrificing your dignity and integrity? Probably.
Same thing with Winnie the Pooh. Do kids even watch this anymore? If they don't it's a damn crying shame. "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day" is perhaps the greatest film achievement in history. I love eyeore, what a guy. His house always gets blown down, but he just keeps building it back. Now that's perserverence. Good ol' Pooh bear.


Blogger Bee said...

I'm too scared to go to that site. I know I like good music, but I also like.... other stuff.

September 14, 2004 at 12:17 PM

Blogger I'm Always Right said...

Darryl: "Heeeeeeey guys, I'm seeing Pat Metheny tonight!"
Us: "Darryl, Godsmack is playing tonight."
Darryl: "awwwwwwww"

September 15, 2004 at 7:40 PM

Blogger 195 said...

Us: "the ticket says godsmack"
darryle: "uuuuuu. oh. uuuuu. i thought they were opening for pat matheney"
us: "it makes no mention whatsoever of pat matheney darryle"
darryle: "uuuuuuuuuuuu"

September 15, 2004 at 8:48 PM


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