Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Tea tastes good

I'm about to embark on the sickest thing I've ever done. Mainly this new workout plan my mom told me about that includes one 20 minute workout per week. Yes you heard right. And no it's not some fad diet/workout infomercial plan that doesn't work. In those twenty minutes you literally tear your muscle way more than a usual workout, so it takes a whole week to recuperate. Word up nucka. I'm not going to be buff in like 2 or less months.
Other than that, speech and debate has officially started. Doc Budder baby. Yep, our final year. Hopefully Paul will join me at nationals this year. I'll be rootin' for ya!
Hopefully my parents let me leave the house this weekend, unlike last weekend when I was forced to stay home Saturday to do arts and crafts and what not. I'm definitly going out. Whether it be cleared with my parents, or sneaking out the window in my room, I'm going out.
Oh my god. I'm watching the news and just had to comment on this report. So the Phoenix niteclub was shut down because of old neighboors complaining or whatever right? So "Eyewitness News 4" is reporting on that. And no lie, this was what they said roughly. "The city has evidence and have concluded that the people who went to the Phoenix haven't just stopped going to nite clubs, they have actually been going to others!" Wow. I'm never watching this again. Sorry Tom Joles. They finished off the report nice: "We also have strong evidence showing that we are the worst news team in the country. Now on to weather. (fugly weather man is shown picking his nose, then snaps to attention when called) Oh right. Umm... Well I've concluded by my dopler 342 readings that if there isn't rain this weekend, there probably won't be a flood. Now say hi to 13 year old J.P. Murrieta for sports. (J.P. shown playing game boy, then snaps to attention). Oh, uuuhhh yea, the Lobos are playing this weekend I think. Uhhh they might win. Maybe. If they score more points." Jeez, sorry about how long that was, I just couldn't stop. Never watch that news though. Please.


Blogger Bee said...

"I have like, a fifth sense, and my boobs can tell when its going to rain.... Well, they can tell when it's raining. It's like I have ESPN or something!"

September 23, 2004 at 1:17 AM


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