Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Tea tastes good

I'm about to embark on the sickest thing I've ever done. Mainly this new workout plan my mom told me about that includes one 20 minute workout per week. Yes you heard right. And no it's not some fad diet/workout infomercial plan that doesn't work. In those twenty minutes you literally tear your muscle way more than a usual workout, so it takes a whole week to recuperate. Word up nucka. I'm not going to be buff in like 2 or less months.
Other than that, speech and debate has officially started. Doc Budder baby. Yep, our final year. Hopefully Paul will join me at nationals this year. I'll be rootin' for ya!
Hopefully my parents let me leave the house this weekend, unlike last weekend when I was forced to stay home Saturday to do arts and crafts and what not. I'm definitly going out. Whether it be cleared with my parents, or sneaking out the window in my room, I'm going out.
Oh my god. I'm watching the news and just had to comment on this report. So the Phoenix niteclub was shut down because of old neighboors complaining or whatever right? So "Eyewitness News 4" is reporting on that. And no lie, this was what they said roughly. "The city has evidence and have concluded that the people who went to the Phoenix haven't just stopped going to nite clubs, they have actually been going to others!" Wow. I'm never watching this again. Sorry Tom Joles. They finished off the report nice: "We also have strong evidence showing that we are the worst news team in the country. Now on to weather. (fugly weather man is shown picking his nose, then snaps to attention when called) Oh right. Umm... Well I've concluded by my dopler 342 readings that if there isn't rain this weekend, there probably won't be a flood. Now say hi to 13 year old J.P. Murrieta for sports. (J.P. shown playing game boy, then snaps to attention). Oh, uuuhhh yea, the Lobos are playing this weekend I think. Uhhh they might win. Maybe. If they score more points." Jeez, sorry about how long that was, I just couldn't stop. Never watch that news though. Please.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Doc Budder!

Before I talk about the weekend, I'll talk a bit about schoo nucka. Male soccer players love to create nicknames for each other, and they are usually pretty creative/funny. So yesterday I heard of nicknames following the trend of 'Doc B____'. Examples: Doc Budder, Doc Buford, etc. When you hear Doc Budder bieng said, it's hilarious. Say it to yourself. Okay stop laughing and keep reading. Now you can call anyone doc budder, and it sounds funny. But the best is no doubt Adi. When you call Adi doc budder, he flips out. I love Doc Budder.
But on to the weekend aye? So last nite Paul, Ryan, Andrea, etc. went clubbin' F.W. Boulgiou style. And Brian went to, honorary member. Paul, didn't have too good of a nite, but in the end it was okay.
Our birthday weekends are coming up, and we should have one hell of a kick ass time I submit. Everyone is invited to whatever we do. Peace.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Me and my big body parts

No I don't mean in my pants, I actually mean my mouth. Long story short, I now have to do an extra twenty hours of service for my parents and my parents alone, plus the forty I already have to do. Damn, and I have to finish them by October. Jeez H. Christ. At least I got an A on my Government test (Hi Mom, that was for you!).
Donald Trump is a sick facsist, but "The Apprentice" is intense. I've never watched a show every week, but if i did it would be this one. He just sits down, talks about how rich he is, then fires some douchebag who "wasn't a strong leader" or "wasn't strong" or "wasn't leading" or "wasn't". But hey, he can do whatever the hell he wants, he's rich! Oh wait no he's bankrupt. Oh no he's rich again.
But on to the real post. I took my Kim Jew 'posing' pics today, and it was pret-pret krunk. I did like 241 poses and they came out pretty dec. I'm sending one to every girl in the school. So base at one moment in time when everyone gets their pics, there will be a mass rush to the bathroom so every chick can m-bate. Can't they just look at me in person at school you ask? No. I might need to buy more huge poster sized photizzies so girls can put them right above their bed. Yes, the world might run out of female sex toys, but hey, what happens happens.
Yes I agree, enough cockiness for one post. Las Vegas People Inc. forever!

Monday, September 13, 2004

OMG!!!! ROLFMAO lol!!!!!1111

Eh, so I couldn't think of a good title... Anyway WTF? Anyway due to parental facsist obligations, I was not able to party and go out like I had wanted to this weekend. However, no matter what, I'm mos def tapping something next weekend. It could be one of two things: 1) B. Spears 2) shots, and I don't mean the lead variety.
On to bigger and better things though, (nope, my fly isn't down). In response to SpaceSpartan/DixieDust/ColoradoLove's recent post about who Mr. Brian Kemm could have intercourse with, I would like to create my own list. Here goes:
Richie's list:
* I can do whatever I want.
* I'm the best person ever. Oh wait, I'm number two behind Pat Matheny.
* Disney needs to stop making movies. More on this later.
* The site is awesome, even though I have most of the CD's on the list.
* This list is the best ever.
* If you don't agree with anything on this list here's the procedure to follow: first, go screw yourself. second, clean up.
Now, as I promised, is more on Disney. Everyone remembers the classic Disney movies that they grew up with and loved. Examples: Cinderella (I didn't like this movie..............), Snow White, The Lion King, I'll even go so far as to say Pochahontas. But nowadays Disney is making animated vidjoes just for the sake of it. Kids nowadays aren't growing up with Disney classics like those anymore. Now they get crap like "Home on the Range". Wow. Mr. Disney is rolling in his grave as we speak. Just quite Dis Dis. If you can't make classics, don't make anything. Sure you might make a meek profit, but is it worth sacrificing your dignity and integrity? Probably.
Same thing with Winnie the Pooh. Do kids even watch this anymore? If they don't it's a damn crying shame. "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day" is perhaps the greatest film achievement in history. I love eyeore, what a guy. His house always gets blown down, but he just keeps building it back. Now that's perserverence. Good ol' Pooh bear.

Friday, September 10, 2004

Musicology and me

So here's my promised post about music mentioned in my last post. It has sprung from a small conversation in the park one nite about music. More like a debate between Paul and I.

Paul was arguing that if you like a certain band, you must like the band(s) that influenced them. Examples: If you like the Strokes, you must like the Beetles. If you like Jet, you must like Rolling Stones, etc. Paul even describes himself as a 'musical facsist'. It means so much to him, he can't stand bad taste, etc. Now I love music as much as the next guy. I don't know about as much as Paul, but I sure love it. However, this love of music doesn't make me a musical facsist. I think it's fair to say that everyone has a right to enjoy whatever kind of music they please. Whether that be The Smiths or Creed, no one can decide what 'good taste' is. Sure maybe someone has more talent, or commitment, or whatever, but who can decide that? No one.

What kind of music I like is decided by nothing other than what sounds good. If Creed sounds good, fine. If Minor Threat sounds good, fine. But I'm not going to listen to music I don't or only kind of like just because they are "classic" or they were influential. I won't listen to music that I only partly or not at all like for any reason. I won't listen to a band, however influential, talented, cool, neat, classic or anything else they are if I don't like the music. And no one should do anything else. There's my take homies.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

"an evil spirit that has sexual intercourse with women while they are sleeping" aka Incubus

So Incubus is the sickest band in the world right? Right? Well, according to everyone else but me, no. Thankfully Paul thinks they're dec enough to accept a free ticket to the concert so I didn't have to take Mobley. The actual concert was totally awesome. They didn't play one bad song, and they rocked out hardcore. It would have been only sicker if we got on the floor. Hey, my Mom bought the tic-tics though, can't go wrong there. Oh yea I wanted to talk about music, but that'll have to wait for another post...

Base driving to L. Cruc is wak unless 1) the car has cruise control so you can not press the gas but consistently go 95 2) you are sleeping/exited and looking forward to a concert. The hotel was dec but the sink and shower both clogged. Probably from Paul's DNA. Oh wait, that didn't go there...

This week was totally sick. We only had three days of school to start with, but Paul and I didn't have school today because of the concert (Thursday). So today feels like Sunday, but tommorow is Friday, and it's the weekend again! Hooray.

However, onto other subjects. I'm totally phsyched about the football season starting this weekend. The Jets look great on paper and the field, and I'm confident they can turn around last year's season and come out playing great. With the Dolphins looking like they can be beat by Magdalena's C-team, the Jets are looking as good as Jolene, Andrea, and whatever other chicks read this blog in a bikini!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not sucking up.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Abq version

Okay you've all read coloradolove's post about this weekend, but here's my story.

High school kicks ass. All I ever hear out of adults is high school is the time of your life. Great. I'm in it. But the thing is, my frosh year sucked, as did sophmore year, because I couldn't drive. Junior year I could, and it was dec., but senior year I want to just rear back and have the time of my life that everyone says I should. Is there anything wrong with that? I don't think so. To me, senior year isn't for "tolerating" shit. It's the fruits of the last three years. And so far, senior year has been awesome. I'm not worried about anything, not nervous, not aprehensive, not depressed, not angry, not anything but having a kick ass time. And that's great.

Now whatever is a part of this is obviously my choice. Up until this weekend, certain things haven't been. But that was my choice. When I decided to include this thing, I made my own concious decision. And you know what? When I did include this thing, it was fun. Is there a problem with that? No. Does anyone else have a problem with that? Maybe, but that's their choice, and I respect it. I'm sorry they don't agree with my decision(s), but so be it.

My mission is to have as much fun as I can. I'm generally a carefree guy, and I'm kicking it up a notch this year. Hopefully others want to have fun too, and we can chill together. If they don't for some reason, fine, I hope they make that choice for themselves and for whatever reason, that's okay.

All I ax is that no one judges me for decisions that I make unless it hurts/directly affects them. Actually you know what? Anyone who wants to judge me, go ahead. I could care less, because no matter what anyone says, I'm doing my own thing. You can even tell me, and I'll just listen. Maybe I'll take to heart what you say, maybe I won't, but I'm still going to do what I'm going to do.

Now I don't need anything but myself to have fun, as everyone knows. I could go on without anything forever and have a great time. Or I could incorporate other things for a change of pace, just like experimentation. And this is the time to do it. Not when I'm married, not when I have kids, not when I'm eating liver and onions at JB's. Now. And I'm doing it.

Now that that's out of the way, I feel totally awesome. I felt sick yesterday, but that was more walking around the fair in the burning weather and not eating anything for more than 24 hours. This weekend kicked ass. I loved it. Great time. All my friends were awesome, no exceptions, and I met some new people too (If you read this Manuel, I love you there's no hard feelings). I did some new things, stayed up late, and hung out. A totally rocking time all around. I hope everyone else had the fun that I did. Hopefully my parents had fun too, so they maybe let me have more 'responsibility' more often. I love high school.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

I can play at that game

Hey I just thought I had to go with the flow, and mention my current new favorite song. OMG this song has been stuck in my head forever! I just love it! Okay here it is:

"Mary had a little lamb,Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb,Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went,Mary went, Mary went
Everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go"

Well there it is! WTF!!! I love that song!!! I can't wait to see them live!


Damn, my parents got pissed at me today and totally shot down my hopes of a weekend alone. Now they're staying and forcing me to mow the lawn twice a day. Please send money and flowers.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Even the king of awesomeland needs a break sometimes...

Sorry about not posting a blizzie in approximately....hmmmmm *in head* 34, 2, 5, carry the one...three days, but anyone who would actually care can refer to several other blogs posting exactly the same thing in different words/phrases. Due to family/personal/tapping obligations, my computer time has been severely limited. Anyway it's good to be back.
So this weekend should be the best in recent memory, seeing as though I think I twill be home alone, and it's four, count 'em, four days long. That's like two summer breaks in one year! If you refer to Paul's sad blog you will see 1) how much fun we had at target until Mike "I'm the manager as you can see by my different color shirt" the manager ruined it like a sour peach, and 2) Paul is wak, seeing as though his new blog format looks like the stains in his underpants.
School has been sicky mc sick sick jr. though, because I flat out Aced the Gov. test in the form of not missing any questions, AP Calc has been decer than expected, and Physics is a joke. All would be well if it wasn't for damn facsist newspaper. Oh well, that's how the world turns.
Damn I was so pissed that I didn't get that awesome Prelude. Paul and I were planning to go thugging, seeing as though it has 17 inchers (no my fly isn't open), a sick spoiler, tinted windows, and it's a five speed, which chicks dig. Damnshit.
So my yearbook pics are coming up soon, and they're the one's where I have to pose and shit. So base I plan to pose nude. I might have a rocky time getting it to the yearbook, seeing as though I don't think there's enough room on the page to fit some of my 'appendages' but I'll make it work.
And finally, I would like to shamelessly promote our fine shirt company, tentatively titled Las Vegas People Inc. Buy all your shirts from us. Once we make them.